Como muchos de vosotros sabéis, Holanda es un país muy llano, situado por debajo del nivel del mar. La ausencia de montañas, facilita los desplazamientos a pie y en otros medios alternativos al coche, el autobús o el taxi. En todas las ciudades de Holanda, el medio de transporte principal es la bicicleta. Basta con asomarse a la ventana en cualquier momento, y ver gente de todas las edades pasar en sus bicis.
Una de las grandes ventajas de estas ciudades, es que todas cuentan con un cómodo carril bici, a ambos lados de las calles y avenidas, que facilitan los desplazamientos. Estos carriles cuentan, además, con sus propios pasos para cruzar y sus propios semáforos. Otro factor muy importante es el respeto de los coches y los peatones, a la gente que se desplaza en bicicleta; es bastante habitual ver un coche que frena para dejar pasar a una bicicleta.
Cuando Carmen y yo llegamos a Eindhoven, buscamos rápidamente unas bicicletas para los dos, ya que Javi ya tenía una. Aquí la gente es muy alta, y tardamos en encontrar unas bicicletas adecuadas a nuestro tamaño; concretamente, yo tuve que comprar un triciclo de niño, pero me lo paso en grande correteando con él por todas partes. ¡Nunca los ratones tuvieron tanto miedo!.
Hay varias formas de conseguir una bicicleta cuando llegas a Eindhoven (y supongo que será igual en otras ciudades): Existen diversas páginas de compra y venta de artículos de segunda mano, donde se puede encontrar una larga lista de bicicletas para niños y adultos, a precios muy variados y razonables. También se pueden alquilar bicicletas por días, o se pueden comprar en las muchas tiendas dedicadas que hay. Y hay una curiosa, aunque dificil, forma de ganar una bici y es con una especie de lotería que se juega aquí, cuyo premio parecen ser unas bicicletas; no paro de ver por todas partes las bicicletas blancas, verdes y naranjas.
Yo, cuando vuelva a España, pienso vender mi triciclo y así recupero parte de mi dinero, que luego gastaré en golosinas o algún juguetito para mí.
Bicycles everywhere
Hi again! Before telling you one story, I want to thank the people who follows my blog everyday, I'm glad you like my adventures.
As the most of you know, Holland is a very flat country, placed below sea level. It is because the absence of mountains, that movements by walk, car, taxi or by bus around the country are easier. In every cities of Holland, the main transport medium is the bike. We only have to take a look trough the window, and we'll se people passing ridding their bikes at any time.
One of the main advantages of those cities, is that all of them have a confortable bike lane, in both sides of the streets and avenues, and trips become easier. Those bike lanes, have also their own "crosswalks" and their own traffic lights. Other important thing is the respect that cars and pedestrians have for cyclists; it's usually to see a car stopped to let a bike pass.
When Carmen and I arrived Eindhoven, we searched for two bikes for us quickly, because Javi already had one. Here, people is very tall so it was difficult to find two bikes suitable for us; I had to buy a kid tricycle, but I have a lot of fun, biking with it wherever I go. Mice have never been so terrified!.
There are several ways to get a bicycle when you arrive Eindhoven (I supose it will be the same in other cities): They exist several websites for buying and selling second hand things, where you can find too many bikes (for adults and kids), for so reasonable prices. You can also rent bikes for days or you can buy them in shops you can find all over the city. There is one extrange and difficult way of having a bike that is winning it in something similar to the lottery you can play here; the prize is one bike. I see orange, white and green bicycles everywhere.
When I come back Spain, I'm thinking in sell my trycicle and use that money to buy candys or some toys for me.
Bicycles everywhere
Hi again! Before telling you one story, I want to thank the people who follows my blog everyday, I'm glad you like my adventures.
As the most of you know, Holland is a very flat country, placed below sea level. It is because the absence of mountains, that movements by walk, car, taxi or by bus around the country are easier. In every cities of Holland, the main transport medium is the bike. We only have to take a look trough the window, and we'll se people passing ridding their bikes at any time.
One of the main advantages of those cities, is that all of them have a confortable bike lane, in both sides of the streets and avenues, and trips become easier. Those bike lanes, have also their own "crosswalks" and their own traffic lights. Other important thing is the respect that cars and pedestrians have for cyclists; it's usually to see a car stopped to let a bike pass.
When Carmen and I arrived Eindhoven, we searched for two bikes for us quickly, because Javi already had one. Here, people is very tall so it was difficult to find two bikes suitable for us; I had to buy a kid tricycle, but I have a lot of fun, biking with it wherever I go. Mice have never been so terrified!.
There are several ways to get a bicycle when you arrive Eindhoven (I supose it will be the same in other cities): They exist several websites for buying and selling second hand things, where you can find too many bikes (for adults and kids), for so reasonable prices. You can also rent bikes for days or you can buy them in shops you can find all over the city. There is one extrange and difficult way of having a bike that is winning it in something similar to the lottery you can play here; the prize is one bike. I see orange, white and green bicycles everywhere.
When I come back Spain, I'm thinking in sell my trycicle and use that money to buy candys or some toys for me.
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